1st Workshop SC2C.aero


Workshop of Technological Convergence in Santa Catarina for Aerospace Technologies


The 1st SC2C.Aero Workshop was held in May 3rd and 4th, 2018. For the first time it was presented for the industry, governmental and academic communities the advances conquered within the consolidation of a center focused on the development of the Brazilian aerospace sector with efforts and initiatives found in Santa Catarina.

With the objective to debate, to know the proposals and opportunities in the sector, the workshop sought to show the SC2C.Aero results obtained until the event, the perspectives and challenges in the sector, the established connections, the center members and next steps.

Representatives from the companies such as Embraer, Saab, ELEB, Glenair, Akaer and from several other companies attended the event. Representatives from the Brazilian and Swedish government were also present. The academic institutions UFSC, LiU, ITA, SENAI, IFSC and UFABC were also represented. The following infographic demonstrate the event coverage.