Event: 3rd Workshop on Swedish Professor Chair Program at ITA
- Organizers: ITA, CISB
- Venue: Online
- Date: November 21, 2021
- Activities: SC2C.Aero was represented by Professor Victor J. De Negri in this online workshop, opportunity where the cooperation of Swedish universities and Brazilian universities in aeronautics was discussed.
Event: 8th Brazilian-Swedish Workshop in Aeronautics
- Organizers: Innovair, the Swedish Strategic Innovation Programe for Aeronautics
- Venue: Stockholm, Sweden
- Date: October 10, 2019
- Activities: Prof. Victor J. De Negri attended the event and shared with Prof. Emilia Villani (ITA) the presentation of Brazilian Aerospace Research and Innovation Network – BARINet. BARINet was created in 2019 as an initiative from ITA, UFMG, USP-SC and UFSC. SC2C.Aero has collaborated in this enterprise and will support its consolidation.
Event: FT 2019 – Aerospace Technology Congress
- Organizers: Swedish Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics (FTF) in cooperation with the Swedish Strategic Innovation Programme for Aeronautics (Innovair)
- Venue: Stockholm, Sweden
- Date: October 8-9, 2019
- Activities: Prof. Victor J. De Negri attended the event where SC2C.Aero was promoted through the presentation of a technical paper entitled Swedish-Brazilian Cooperation in Aeronautics in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The paper Challenges on the Development of a Digital Hydraulic Actuator for Primary Flight Control Surfaces, from the Laboratory of Hydraulic and Pneumatic – LASHIP, technical group of SC2C.Aero, was also presented.
Event: 2nd Workshop on Swedish Professor Chair Program at ITA
- Organizers: ITA, CISB
- Venue: São José dos Campos, Brazil
- Date: September 23, 2019
- Activities: Activities: SC2C.Aero was represented by Professor Victor J. De Negri, opportunity where he was able to strengthen the collaboration of the convergence center with Swedish and national partners. He was also speaker in the round table discussion: BARINet (Brazilian Aerospace Research and Innovation Network) – motivation and challenges.
Event: 7th Brazilian-Swedish Workshop in Aeronautics
- Organizers: CISB, UFMG
- Venue: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- Date: September 14, 2018
- Activities: The presentation of SC2C.Aero by Professor Victor J. De Negri was part of the main programming, opportunity where he discussed the implementation of the convergence center and explained the operation of the first annual cycle.
Event: Kick-Off Workshop of the SARC – Swedish Aeronautical Research Center
- Organizers: Innovair, KTH
- Venue: Stockholm, Sweden
- Date: July, 2018
- Activities: The coordinator of the SC2C.Aero, Prof. Victor J. De Negri, participated the kick-off workshop of the SARC – Swedish Aeronautical Research Center. SARC has been created to encourage national (Sweden) coordination and alignment of academic research in aeronautics, in response to globalization with increased international competition and also collaboration. The participation in the workshop also enabled to create a contact with the ACS – Aerospace Cluster Sweden, a cluster of Swedish companies of the aerospace sector.
Event: 6th Brazilian-Swedish Workshop in Aeronautics
- Organizers: Innovair, KTH
- Venue: Stockholm, Sweden.
- Date: October 25, 2017
- Activities: The SC2C.Aero was for the first time introduced inside of this workshop series as the convergence center by the poster exposition made by Andre Luiz M. de Oliveira In the same occasion, the technical group of SC2C.Aero, Combustion and Thermal Systems Engineering (LABCET), also participated in the Poster sessions by sharing its expertise.
Event: II CAB – Congresso Aeroespacial Brasileiro
- Organizers: UFSM, CACISM, AEB, ITA, UFMG, UnB, UFMA, UFSC, UFABC, UniLa, UP, UFRGS, UFPel, Unipampa, INPE
- Venue: Santa Maria, Brazil
- Date: September 1619, 2019
- Activities: 2nd Congresso Aeroespacial Brasileiro.
Event: Workshop on Swedish Professor Chair Program at ITA
- Organizers: ITA, CISB
- Venue: São José dos Campos, Brazil
- Date: October 3, 2017
- Activities: Prof. Victor J. De Negri, representing FAPESC, participated in a round table about the cooperation Brazil-Sweden.
Event: 5th Brazilian-Swedish Workshop in Aeronautics
- Organizers: ITA, MCTIC
- Venue: Stockholm, Sweden
- Date: May 31, 2017
- Activities: Prof. Victor J. De Negri, coordinator fo SC2C.Aero participated as a speaker in the panel “Aeronautics and Aeronautical Manufacturing”.