The 3rd Workshop of Santa Catarina’s Convergence Center for Aerospace Technologies is part of the annual cycle of operation of SC2C.Aero. The objective is to connect companies, governmental agencies and technological institutions in Brazil and Sweden in the aerospace sector.
The target audience includes companies of the aerospace sector, technical groups of Santa Catarina, technological institutes focused in the aeronautical segment of Brazil and Sweden, as well as representatives of governmental agencies and national funders of Brazil and Sweden.
The 3rd SC2C.Aero Workshop occurs on November 23rd and 24th, 2023. Presentations and debates take place on November 23rd including panelists from leading companies and research institutes and research and innovation agencies, from Brazil and Sweden. At the end of the day, anchor companies and institutions will be available to hold meetings with workshop participants. On November 24th, participants will be able to participate in technical visits to laboratories and institutes that work in aeronautics and space in Florinópolis. Therefore, the second day of the workshop will be an opportunity to visit the lab facilities and have detailed discussions.
Deadline for registration: November 17th.
The 3rd Workshop SC2C.Aero is organized by SC2C.Aero, Federal University Santa Catarina (UFSC), and CERTI Foundation (CERTI)